GAMMA PHOTOFORUM Exhibition 2023

Each year, members of GAMMA exhibit recent work to publicise the group. The location for this annual event is not fixed and is decided on a yearly basis

This year the GAMMA PHOTOFORUM Exhibition 2024 will be held at the

The City Screen Cinema,


Monday 8 April - Saturday 4 May 2024

Here are our members’ exhibits from the recent Exhibition at the Edinburgh Photographic Society, Edinburgh.

City Screen, York Images will be published shortly


Tulip Staircase, Greenwich

Guy Davies

Window Spiral

Wooden Spiral

Johnson's Court

Paula Davies

Reflected lamp

The Wonky Light

John Illingworth

Iceland Rock

Steam Punk Elegance

Happy Steam Punk

Bill Johnson

Steam Punk with Menace

Alexandra Prescott

Love and the Pollinators

The flowering plant is a perfect structure whose design has evolved with an ultimate goal: reproduction, achieved by offering rewards to pollinators of nectar or pollen. The petals are colourful thin structures that surround the sexual parts of the flower, protecting the pistil and the stamen.

Cut flowers are a meaningful gift or decoration, available from supermarkets, florists or nurseries regardless of the season. They represent emotions and feelings: passion, purity, innocence, death but especially love.

In the UK, out of season cut flowers are sourced mainly from the Netherlands, Kenya, Colombia and Israel. Cut flowers are often grown in insect (pollinator) unfriendly environments, under artificial light in hothouses or intensively plantation farmed using high levels of pesticides.

These three images of overseas origin supermarket cut flowers, purchased in the winter and arranged in vases for display, are a reminder that irresponsible consumerism has consequences

Alexandra Prescott. FRPS.


Geoffrey Smith


Peter Stevens

